Design & Teach Your Course
The Eberly Center at Carnegie Mellon University offers clear directions to design and lead college courses. These guidelines are useful if you are creating a new course or if you are working to strengthen or redesign an existing course.
Understanding by Design
This site provides a comprehensive overview of backward design, a well-used approach for course design. It includes a video and templates.
A Course Design Process That Works for You
This article provides a quick overview and multiple resources for different types of course design, including backwards design, blended design, hybrid and online.
10 Tips for Creating Accessible Course Content
This page offers tips, frameworks, and resources to help you design your course to be accessible. It includes a webinar on improving accessibility in a Canvas course.
Self-Directed Guide to Designing Courses for Significant Learning
This comprehensive guide outlines Fink's significant learning taxonomy and provides reflective questions and other resources to aid in course design for significant learning. This type of learning prompts lasting change that has distinct value to the learner's life.