Learner-Centered methods shift the focus from the instructor as the provider of knowledge to the students as active participants in the creation and evaluation of knowledge. Five key characteristics of learner-centered teaching are:
1. Student engagement in the hard, messy work of learning.
2. Teaching of explicit skills, including the ability to solve problems, think critically, evaluate evidence, and generate ideas.
3. Encouragement of student reflection on what they are learning and how they are learning it.
4. Students have some control over learning processes, such as the pace of instruction, choice in assignments, and evaluation criteria.
5. Encourages collaborative work and communities of learners. (Weimer, 2012)
Overview of Learner-Centered Teaching
This is an excellent summary of Weimer's book on learner-centered teaching. It provides tips on implementing the approach and potential barriers to these methods.
Is My Teaching Learner-Centered?
This article offers several reflective questions to help you think about practicing learner-centered instruction and course design.
Arts in Society Redesign: A Learner-Centered Approach
Research article on a liberal arts course redesigned to be more problem-centered and learner-centered.