CIA Email Signature Directions

  1. Choose an email signature based on your preferences.
  2. When the window pops up, please fill in all the information blanks marked as required.
    1. Please use a dot, not dashes, in the phone number to adhere to the CIA style guide. Ex: 216.421.7433

  3. After all the information is filled in, please click the button that states “COPY SIGNATURE TO CLIPBOARD” Note: Do not use the send via email button except for iPhone/iPad.

  4. A new, small menu will pop up. Choose the email browser for detailed instructions about how to add your email. The most common ones are: iPhone/iPad, Outlook, and 

  5. Follow the instructions to make sure the new CIA email signature is added to your email browser. Then make sure to set it as the default email signature. 

If you would like a shorter email signature for reply emails, copy the same signature as above but remove the CIA logo in your email browser. Note: Shorter email signatures are only appropriate for reply emails.

To adhere to the CIA style guide, please use your official CIA position title when completing your email signature.

To view step by step guides for the various email platforms, please visit the following links

Outlook (Desktop):

Outlook (Online):

iPhone Default Mail App:

For all others:

For general assistance, please reach out to:

Jimmy Schlemmer
Digital Marketing Manager  
| 216.421.7433

If you are unsure of your official position title,
please reach out to:

Kristen Mathis
Human Resources Specialist | 216.421.7484.