Program Assessment Forms are located on the Dashboard at the bottom of this page.


Learn More about Assessment with NILOA

National Institute of Learning Outcomes Assessment (NILOA)

First time exploring the field of assessment? Fear not. NILOA put together a collection of open-access resources introducing the basics of assessing student learning. They recommend starting here and then exploring and supplementing these resources with materials that are relevant to your specific practice questions and audiences.


Additional Resource from NILOA: 

- Antiracist Resources for Teaching, Learning, and Assessment of Student Learning


Non-CIA Assessor CoursEval Dashboard

Launch the Non-CIA Assessor CoursEval Dashboard


CIA Assessment Reporting - Step by Step document 


Assessment Note Taking Resource: 


The below documents were created to allow assessors the opportunity to preview specific assessment questions which will be reported on after the fact, as well as to support note-taking during the assessment process.


These documents do not equate to reporting assessment feedback, they are only to be used as a guide during the review process.

All assessment reporting must be completed via the assessment portal (links are located below). 


2024 Animation Sophomore Year Program Assessment NOTE taking form

2024 Animation Junior Year Program Assessment NOTE taking form

2024 Animation Program Assessment NOTE taking form

2024 Ceramics Program Assessment NOTE taking form

2024 Illustration Program Assessment NOTE taking form

2024 Jewelry and Metals Program Assessment NOTE taking form

2024 Liberal Art Program Assessment: Sec. AC334 AC380 AH425 NOTE taking form

2024 Liberal Art Program Assessment: Sec. WRHC 490.00 WRHC 490.01 NOTE taking form

CoursEval Dashboard
Launch the CoursEval Dashboard

CIA Assessment Reporting - Step by Step document 



Assessment Note Taking Resource: 


The below documents were created to allow assessors the opportunity to preview specific assessment questions which will be reported on after the fact, as well as to support note-taking during the assessment process.


These documents do not equate to reporting assessment feedback, they are only to be used as a guide during the review process.

All assessment reporting must be completed via the assessment portal (links are located below). 


2024 Animation Sophomore Year Program Assessment NOTE taking form

2024 Animation Junior Year Program Assessment NOTE taking form

2024 Animation Program Assessment NOTE taking form

2024 Ceramics Program Assessment NOTE taking form

2024 Illustration Program Assessment NOTE taking form

2024 Jewelry and Metals Program Assessment NOTE taking form

2024 Liberal Art Program Assessment: Sec. AC334 AC380 AH425 NOTE taking form

2024 Liberal Art Program Assessment: Sec. WRHC 490.00 WRHC 490.01 NOTE taking form