University Health & Counseling Services
Case Western Reserve University Health & Counseling Services (UH&CS) is dedicated to helping CIA students be well and succeed by providing integrated medical, mental health, and wellness services. UH&CS is available to all enrolled CIA students, regardless of the type of health insurance they have. They are located in the Dental Research Building located at 2124 Cornell Rd, Cleveland, OH 44106
Please visit the UH&CS website for the latest hours and appointment information. We are responding quickly to changes required by the current health emergency. The most up-to-date information about using UH&CS will be on our website.
Care Anytime
- You can call (216) 368- 5872 anytime to speak with a counselor on call
- You can call (216) 368-2450 to speak with a nurse on call
- You can send a non-urgent message through
Additional mental health resources can be found here.
My Health Connect
My Health Connect can be used to schedule appointments, view information about hours, manage immunizations and send secure messages.
In order to utilize MyHealthConnect, and UH&CS, new CIA students must activate their CWRU network ID. In addition, returning CIA students must reset their CWRU pass phrase at the beginning of each academic year.
To activate your CWRU network ID follow these instructions. (INSERT LINK TO INSTRUCTIONS PDF)
If you need assistance activating your CWRU network ID please contact the CWRU help desk: