The objective of the CARE Team is to have a proactive way to address the growing need in the CIA student community for a centralized, coordinated, caring, developmental intervention for those in need prior to crisis. The CARE Team will assess each individual situation to devise an appropriate, case-by-case response, follow-up with the appropriate people, and document the outcome.

Scroll to the bottom of the page to fill out the CARE form for the student/s you are concerned about.


CARE – CAMPUS ASSESSMENT, RESPONSE, EVALUATION TEAM (CARE) is a way for faculty, staff, friends, family, and students to report student related issues to be investigated for problem solving and providing support. It is NOT designed as an immediate response to campus shootings and violence. 




Adjusting to College Life

The link below provides some tips for adjusting to college life provided by SUNY: Oswego

Information for Parents

The link below will take you to the College Parents of America website. There are many articles containing helpful information for you and your student.