Academic dishonesty comes in many forms. Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, a student taking or attempting to take any of the following actions. The following list is not exhaustive and a student may be charged and found guilty of violating the Institutes’ Academic Integrity Policy for an offense that may not be listed below.
1. Cheating: Use and/or solicitation of use of unauthorized materials, information, notes, study aides or other devices in any academic exercise. This definition includes unauthorized communication of information during an academic exercise.
Examples: Copying from another’s paper, or receiving unauthorized assistance during a quiz or examination; copying reports, laboratory work, computer programs or files; soliciting and/or sending a substitute to take an examination; unauthorized collaboration on a take- home exam.
2. Plagiarism: Presenting the work of another as one’s own (i.e., without proper acknowledgment of the sources). Plagiarism can occur through written work, as well as, orally, visually, or conceptually.
Examples: Utilizing commercial writing services, obtaining and submitting work done by another as one’s own, and not acknowledging the source when using facts, figures, graphs, images, charts or other information and examples. Lastly, copying artwork or copying work found on the internet and submitting it as one’s own. Within the context of the studio environment, plagiarism involves using the imagery or ideas of someone else and submitting them as one’s own. Submitting a project that uses someone else’s plan, image, method or device without acknowledging the source is plagiarism.
3. Fabrication and Falsification: Falsification means altering information; fabrication is inventing or counterfeiting information.
Examples: Inventing or altering data or research results; fabricating research processes to make it appear that the results of one process are actually the results of several processes; false citation of a source; falsifying attendance records in class or at practicum or internship sites for the student at issue or for someone else; having another falsify attendance records on a student’s behalf; falsifying material relating to course registration or grades; falsification, forgery, or misrepresentation of academic records or documents including admissions materials, transcripts and/or practicum or internship documentation; communication of false or misleading statements to obtain an academic advantage or to avoid academic penalty.
4. Multiple Submissions: Submitting the same paper, oral presentation or piece of work for credit more than once without prior written authorization.
5. Complicity/Unauthorized Assistance: Intentionally or knowingly allowing another to commit and act of academic dishonesty. Giving or receiving assistance in connection with an examination or any other academic endeavor that a faculty member has not authorized.
Examples: Allowing a student to copy from a test, giving or receiving answers to an exam before the test; completing academic work for another or allowing another to complete an academic exercise for the student.
6. Lying/Tampering/Theft: Giving false information in connection with the performance of any academic work or in connection with any proceeding under this Policy.