Sanctions for Academic Dishonesty
All acts of academic dishonesty diminish the integrity of the Institute and are taken very seriously by the school. Students accused of academic dishonesty will participate in CIA’s judicial process and if found responsible, will be subject to appropriate sanctions. Sanctions may include, but are not limited to, any one or a combination of the following:
Formal warning/censure/academic alert
Reduced grade including a failing grade for the assignment
Reduced grade including a failing grade for the entire course
Forfeiture of student leadership positions, and/or restrictions on participation in
Institute activities
Warning or censure is a written reprimand for violating the Institute’s standards of academic conduct. This action will also serve as a warning against future incidents as they will result in more severe sanctions. Censure will not be noted on a student’s transcript, but will be noted in their student file.
In appropriate cases, a student may perform community service as part of a sanction imposed under this policy. In the event that a student accepts a community service alternative, the Director of Student Life and Housing shall approve the terms and duration of such service.
Note: When the sanction of a lowered or failing grade is given, the student may not challenge the grade through the Institute’s grade grievance procedure.