
BFA technology requests open March 10

Technology requests for BFA exhibitions open March 10th. BFA candidates will be able to reserve equipment for BFA week by setting the pickup date to May 3rd or 4th, 8am-4pm (Saturday & Sunday) and returns on May 12th or 13th: 8am-4pm (Monday & Tuesday). Equipment is available on a first come, first serve basis. All requests are subject to review to ensure fairness and proper use. Only request equipment that you do not already have access to within your department. Read the full guidelines here.

Requests not following the guidelines and parameters will be cancelled. It is your responsibility to determine ahead of time the functionality of equipment for your purposes, and you are encouraged to check out equipment ahead of BFA week to test it out.

Spring semester hours

Fall semester hours: M-Th 8am - 10:30pm, F 8am - 7pm, Saturday 10am - 2pm, Room 325. Reservations must be made in advance through the Checkout Portal.

Patron Portal

Click here to reserve equipment. You will need your CIA user name and password to access the Patron Portal. If you have trouble logging in, please contact for assistance. Most equipment is available for up to 48 hours unless otherwise noted. Users may renew loans for up to three additional days online through the Patron Portal (subject to availability). If equipment is not renewable, you must be prepared to return it to the Equipment Checkout at or before the designated time. Renewals must be made BEFORE the time due; overdue items are NOT renewable. You will have to return the item and pay the late fee before reserving a new item.

CHECK YOUR EMAIL: All users will receive automatically generated updates and reservation confirmations, please check your spam folder if you do not see them, and add to your list of trusted contacts.



All users agree to Equipment Checkout Policies, and are liable for all equipment while in their possession. A flat fine of $2.00 per day per item will be assessed for all late returns up to the total replacement value of the overdue items. Users are prohibited from using Equipment Checkout until all items are returned and fines paid in full. Lost or damaged items will result in a fine for the replacement or repair of the items.
Please be considerate--other students are relying on reserved equipment to complete their assignments. Your late return impacts everyone else who utilizes the same equipment from Checkout!

End of Semester

Any missing equipment and unpaid fines at the end of the semester will result in a hold on your student account, final grades, and diploma. Please check your email and your Webcheckout account for any notifications.

Instructors and staff

If you need to schedule bulk, repeating, or extended reservations, please contact to check on availability and set up your reservation. Resources are available on a first come/first serve basis, so please help us anticipate and plan for your requests. For all other daily requests, please use the Patron Portal.

Equipment Checkout Mission

The Equipment Checkout provides the CIA community with technology resources for loan on both the individual and institutional level. Through our reservation and loan system, Equipment Checkout serves students and staff by making specialized technology available for use in daily assignments and instruction. 

The Equipment Checkout is a reservation-based service, which means that we may not always be able to fulfill your requests if you walk up without a reservation, and late returns may affect other users who have reservations for the same equipment.

Quarantine Information

If you have been quarantined, please contact us or call 216-421-7944 to make arrangements to extend or return your equipment. Certain items may be available to keep longer if necessary.