
In accordance with Ohio law, the Institute will not tolerate the use or possession of drugs or narcotics not prescribed by a physician. Students found in violation of the drug policy will be subject to disciplinary proceedings. 

Depending on the nature of the offense, a student will be referred to either a judicial conduct meeting or a judicial board hearing. The choice of disciplinary hearing will be determined by the Director of Student Life and Housing. Possible sanctions for the possession and/or sale of drugs, narcotics, or prescription medication are fines, referrals to counseling, expulsion, loss of federal financial aid, or referral for prosecution

Students found responsible for the sale or distribution of any drugs on- or off-campus should expect to be suspended or dismissed from the Institute. This includes the possession of illicit drugs in quantities as to create a presumption of possession with the intent to sell on- or off- campus. This also includes selling one's own or others prescription medication. Students may be suspended from the Institute-operated housing before the hearing if it is believed that such action is needed in order to protect the health and safety of any member of the Institute community.

Examples of drugs to which this policy applies are currently defined as including but not limited to: opiates (such as morphine, heroin, codeine, opium, demerol, and paregoric), cocaine, cannabis and cannabis products, hallucinogens (such as LSD, DMT, mescaline, peyote and psilocybin), barbituates (such as nembutal and seconal), tranquilizers (such as librium, phenothiazine, and reserpine), and amphetamines (such as benzedrine, methadrine, and dexadrine).

Medical Cannabis

While the state of Ohio has legalized the medical use of cannabis, the use of marijuana is illegal at the federal level. As CIA receives federal funds, we must comply with federal law. In addition, the use of marijuana violates the Drug-Free Schools and Campuses Act and continues to be banned on campus.