
CIA makes available, to authorized users, computer facilities and services in support of its mission of providing an environment which encourages innovative teaching, learning, and research.

Rights and Responsibilities

Unauthorized use of CIA computing resources is strictly prohibited. Authorized users are given authorization with the understanding that they will have certain rights and responsibilities. These responsibilities include the following as applied to all resources at CIA, including those provided in CIA-operated housing facilities: 

  • Protect your password(s)

  • Report any observed or attempted breach of security by others

  • Change your password(s) as required or requested

  • Make frequent and appropriate backups of your own work to guarantee protection against loss

  • Clearly label personal works and opinions as yours before they are distributed to others

  • Respect the rights of others, the integrity of the systems, and related physical resources

  • Abide by applicable state and federal legislation

  • Respect the confidentiality of records

Legal Context and Enforcement

All existing local, state, and federal laws, licensing agreements, and all Institute regulations and policies apply to the use of CIA computing resources.

Reproduction or distribution of copyrighted works, including but not limited to, images, texts, or software, without the expressed, written permission of its owner is an infringement of US Copyright Law, and is subject to civil damages and criminal penalties, as well as judicial action by CIA.

Misuse of computing networking or information resources may result in the restriction or discontinuation of computing privileges, and may be prosecuted. Users are accountable for following Institute policies and procedures. Violators are subject to a full range of sanctions including but not limited to the loss of computer or network access privileges, disciplinary action, and dismissal from CIA. 

Students and employees may have rights of access to information about themselves contained in computer files, as specified in federal and state laws. Files may be subject to search under court order. System administrators may access user files as required to protect the integrity of computer systems. The Institute reserves the right to access the files of individuals for the maintenance of its computer, network, and storage resources and to monitor the use of these resources for excessive or inappropriate use.

Users are responsible for understanding the examples of misuse cited at the website above. Ignorance of the policies is not an acceptable excuse for violation of these regulations.