CIA is a non-smoking environment in every academic and residential area. The Institute prohibits all tobacco products, including cigarettes, electronic cigarettes, cigars and cigarillos, hookah- smoked products, pipes, oral tobacco and nasal tobacco, as well as any product intended to mimic tobacco products, contain tobacco flavoring or deliver nicotine other than for the purpose of cessation.
Smoking is prohibited in all CIA facilities and, by Ohio law, is prohibited within 50 feet of any entrance or window in all buildings, including CIA-operated student residences. Specifically, the Cleveland Institute of Art is required to prohibit smoking in areas surrounding entrances and adjacent to its buildings at any time. For community members who smoke, there are specific, designated outdoor smoking areas located away from Institute buildings and entrances. These areas are in the median between the academic building and E117th St. Apartments and in the rear of the student lot.
There are posted “No Smoking” signs that are readable by a person of normal vision and include the telephone number of the Ohio Department of Health at every entrance. The goal is to ensure that secondhand smoke does not filter into any enclosed space of the Institute by means of a window, door, or ventilation system.
Those who smoke or use products included above in prohibited areas will be considered in violation of Institute regulations and can be cited. This includes Cleveland, UCI, or CWRU Police, however, anyone can report smoking within this perimeter, with the result being issuance of a citation and accompanying fine to both the individual and the Institute. The institute prohibits retaliation against anyone who reports violations to the Department of Health.
Students who are determined to be in violation of the smoking policy will be subject to the Institute’s judicial process, and will be subject to sanctions that could include fines, educational projects, community service, and loss of privileges.