
Laptop Requirements 2024-2025 Academic Year

*The Laptop Requirements posted below represent the prior academic year ('24-'25). The upcoming academic year requirements (for all students entering CIA in 2025) are currently under review and will be published below when approved by the Academic Department Chairs.*


The following are the laptop requirements for students entering CIA in the 2024-2025 academic year. (This includes students who are starting mid-year at CIA in Spring 2025.)


Students who entered CIA in the 2023-2024 academic year will need to provide a device that meets the laptop requirements for the 2023-2024 academic year.


Students who entered CIA in either the 2022-2023 or the 2021-2022 academic years will need to provide a device that meets the laptop requirements for the 2022-2023 academic year.


Laptop requirements will be updated annually and will be archived for reference.


All CIA students are required to have a laptop. This laptop needs to meet or exceed the following minimum specifications in order for your academic coursework to be completed successfully at CIA. The laptop that you use for your first academic year at CIA may be one that you already have, or one that is sourced specifically to meet the requirements of the Foundation program.


Depending on your major, you may be required to use a laptop with higher technical specifications to complete your academic coursework. These additional requirements are listed in the table below. CIA Information Technology strongly recommends that you wait until after your first year is complete to purchase a laptop that meets the requirements of your chosen major if your major has higher technical requirements than the Foundation year. Note that first-year students need a laptop that meets the Foundation year requirements, not their major requirements. Beginning in their sophomore year, students will need to have a laptop that meets their major requirements.


Required Specs

Majors + Programs

  • 13” HD Display
  • 16GB RAM
  • 512GB Solid State Drive or More 
  • 3-year warranty

Craft + Design (macOS or Windows)

Drawing (macOS preferred)

Foundation (macOS or Windows)

Interior Architecture (macOS or Windows)

Painting (macOS or Windows)

Printmaking (macOS preferred)

  • MacBook Pro
  • 16" HD Display 
  • 16GB RAM 
  • 1TB Solid State Drive 
  • 3-year warranty
  • 12-Core CPU 
  • 19-Core GPU 
  • 3-year warranty

Graphic Design (macOS)

Illustration (macOS)

Photography + Video (macOS)

Sculpture + Expanded Media (macOS)

  • 15” HD Display (UHD recommended)
  • 16GB RAM 
  • 1TB Solid State Drive 
  • Intel i7 processor or Ryzen 7 CPU
  • Recommended Graphics Card: RTX 3060 
  • Minimum Graphics Card: RTX 2070 
  • 3-year warranty

Animation (Windows)
Game Design (Windows)
Illustration (Windows)
Industrial Design (Windows)
Life Sciences Illustration(Windows)
Sculpture + Expanded Media (Windows)

* Students may request permission from their department chair if they have a laptop OS (macOS vs Windows) that falls outside of the requirements for their program. Please keep in mind that all students must have a laptop that meets the minimum hardware requirements for their selected program.

** Note that Illustration is listed with both a valid MacOS and valid Windows PC configuration as either system can be used within that major program.

Some students may already own laptops that meet these minimum requirements. Students may continue to use these laptops for as long the device continues to support their curricular needs. In this scenario, students accept the risk that their laptop may not be able to address their needs for their last year(s) at CIA.

The student should select the laptop based on their curricular needs, individual preferences between macOS and Windows, and budget.


How is the policy being enforced? 

CIA will require every student to complete a brief Canvas Student Laptop Assessment before the start of each academic school year. This Canvas Student Laptop Assessment will be available starting in June, and will be able to be completed until fall semester course drop/add date. This Canvas module should only take a few minutes to complete. Your responses will be auto-graded and Canvas will let you know right away if the laptop you plan on using meets the required specifications of your chosen major. 

If you do not complete the Canvas Student Laptop Assessment by fall semester course drop/add date, you will be automatically enrolled in CIA’s Student Laptop Program (see #3 below).

If you are automatically enrolled in CIA’s Student Laptop Program in this manner, the device assigned to you will be your physical and financial responsibility for at least 1 academic year. At the start of each of the following academic years, you will be given the opportunity to take a new Canvas Laptop assessment. If your alternate device passes the Canvas Laptop Assessment at that time, you may return the Student Laptop Program device or buy it out by paying the remaining payment(s) that are owed at the time of return ( device return / purchase details are covered in the Student Laptop Program FAQ ). While there is a Financial Aid appeals process for charges on your student bill, there is no appeals process for CIA’s Student Laptop Program – once you are enrolled in the program you must take possession of the device that is allocated to you.


  1. Provide an alternate laptop that meets the requirements - You will have a 10-day window to source an alternate laptop and retake the Canvas Student Laptop Assessment. You may purchase a laptop from the vendor of your choice. If the alternate device does not meet the requirements of your chosen major or program, or if you fail to retake the Canvas Student Laptop Assessment within 10 days, you will automatically be enrolled in CIA’s Student Laptop Program (details below).

  2. Directly purchase a laptop from the following list of CIA-approved devices - The devices found at CIA's CDWG Store Page are offered below MSRP, and are configured to meet or exceed the required specifications for CIA majors and programs. Once purchased, you will be able to retake the Canvas Student Laptop Assessment to show that you are in compliance with CIA’s Student Laptop Policy.

  3. Utilize CIA’s Student Laptop Program - Rent-to-own a device that CIA will provide and manage. This device will meet or exceed the required specifications of your major or program and will be one of the same models available for purchase above. Details on the Student Laptop Program:
    • These devices will be sourced from the same CIA-approved vendor, CDWG, at a cost below MSRP. 
    • In addition to the base cost of the laptop, there will be additional fees for 4-years of warranty coverage, financing the ownership of the device, the management of the device, and for a case/cover for the device. 
    • The total cost of the device and these associated fees will be split into 6 installments, billed once per semester on your term bill. At the time that you complete your 6th installment (after 6 semesters), you will own the device outright and CIA IT will remove the management component from the device. 
    • If a student plans to participate in the Student Laptop Program for fewer than 6 semesters, they may choose to return the device to CIA IT or they can purchase the device outright by paying off the remaining balance.
    • Students enrolling in the CIA Student Laptop Program may appeal to the Financial Aid Office for potential additional financial aid.
    • You may choose to opt-in to CIA’s Student Laptop Program prior to the start of the semester by completing the opt-in survey here. This opt-in survey will be offered from April 1st to July 15th. 
    • You may also opt-in to CIA’s Student Laptop Program during the Canvas Student Laptop assessment that will be required prior to each academic year. If you do not complete the Canvas Student Laptop Assessment in the required timeframe, you will automatically be enrolled in CIA’s Student Laptop Program. Please see below for additional information and FAQs.


CIA Student Laptop Program Device Options:

CIA Information Technology has worked with a CIA-approved vendor, CDWG, to provide several device models for use within the CIA Student Laptop Program that meet or exceed the requirements for CIA majors. These devices are also available for you to purchase at a discount below MSRP at CIA's CDWG Store Page.

The laptops offered are the following models:

Device and cost estimate


13” MacBook Air [LINK TO PURCHASE]

Direct Purchase Cost * : ~$1630
CIA-Provided Cost † : ~$2135 (ESTIMATED)

Craft+Design, Drawing, Foundation, Interior Architecture, Painting, Printmaking

16” MacBook Pro [LINK TO PURCHASE] 

Direct Purchase Cost * : ~$2914
CIA-Provided Cost † : ~$3718 (ESTIMATED)

Graphic Design, Illustration, Photography + Video, Sculpture + Expanded Media

16” Alienware M16 [LINK TO PURCHASE]

Direct Purchase Cost ‡ : ~$2835
CIA-Provided Cost †: ~$3627 (ESTIMATED)

Animation, Game Design, Illustration, Industrial Design, Life Sciences Illustration, Sculpture + Expanded Media

*Direct Purchase Cost of Apple MacBook Devices are based on the inclusion of 4 year warranty coverage
‡ Direct Purchase Cost of AlienWare Laptop includes 4 year warranty coverage. Cost of AlienWare laptop on CDW's site is currently incorrect. The correct cost of this device is $2832. Please reach out to if you are interested in placing an order for this device.
† CIA Provided Cost includes 4 year warranty coverage, device management, case, and financing on all device models.