2.1 Personnel records

We strive to keep accurate and current information concerning all employees. To this end, you should update your information in the event of changes such as new mailing addresses, telephone numbers, beneficiary changes, number and names of dependents, individuals to be contacted in case of emergency, educational accomplishments, etc. If you have any questions, please consult with Human Resources.

Employees are welcome to review their own personnel file in the Human Resources Office by appointment; however, the personnel file is the property of the College and may not be copied or taken upon leaving employment.

2.2 Employment verification

Requests for verification of employment information of current and former employees of the College should be directed to Human Resources. It is the College’s policy to verify only job title and dates of employment. Salary information is only verified with the employee’s written authorization and signature.

Employees are directed not to respond to requests for employment verifications. Any employee who receives a request should direct the caller or forward the written request to Human Resources.

2.3 Employment at will

Consistent with the laws in the state of Ohio, your employment with Cleveland Institute of Art is “at will.” Your employment can be terminated by you or by Cleveland Institute of Art with or without cause and with or without notice, at any time, and at the option of either you or Cleveland Institute of Art except as otherwise provided by law. 

Nothing in this employee handbook is intended to or creates an employment agreement, express or implied. Nothing contained in this or any other document provided to the employee is intended to be, nor should it be, construed as a contract that employment or any benefit will be continued for any period of time. No manager or employee of the College has the authority to enter into any agreement for employment for any specified period of time, to make any agreement for employment other than at-will, or to limit or modify any employee’s at-will status. Only the President or Vice President of Human Resources has the authority to make any such agreement and then, only in a formal written agreement.

Any salary figures provided to an employee in annual or monthly terms are stated for the sake of convenience or to facilitate comparisons and are not intended and do not create an employment contract for any specific period of time.

Nothing in this statement is intended to interfere with, restrain, or prevent concerted activity as protected by the National Labor Relations Act. Such activity includes employee communications regarding wages, hours, or other terms or conditions of employment. CIA employees have the right to engage in or refrain from such activities.

2.4 Orientation period

The Orientation Period is used to determine if a new employee’s performance successfully meets the expectations of the role and if continued employment is warranted. The Orientation Period shall consist of the first ninety (90) days of employment (including transfer or promotion within the organization). During this time, the employee’s supervisor will work with them to establish clearly defined performance goals; educate about the competencies of the position; provide the employee with positive feedback regarding strengths and progress, share constructive feedback in reference to any deficiencies observed; and assess whether the employee’s performance meets the expectations of the position.

If deficiencies are identified during the Orientation Period, the supervisor will provide an opportunity for the employee to improve performance, demonstrate competencies, and/or achieve stated goals. If deficiencies are significant or persist throughout the Orientation Period and appear to compromise the employee’s ability to successfully perform the job further action may be taken including termination of employment or extension of the Orientation Period.  A decision to pursue termination of employment or extension of the Orientation Period must be made in consultation with Human Resources.

At various times during the Orientation Period, full-time and part-time employees will begin to be eligible for benefits as currently offered by CIA and described elsewhere in this Handbook. 

2.5 Anniversary date

The first day you report to work is your “official” anniversary date. Your anniversary date is used to compute various conditions and benefits described in this Handbook. Employees who terminate and are rehired within six months will have their anniversary date reinstated. Any employee rehired after six months will start their employment over with a new hire date and anniversary date. 

2.6 Job description

A job description for each position is maintained by CIA. When your duties and responsibilities are changed, your job description may be updated.

Job descriptions also require periodic updating even if the overall duties remain the same. Updated job descriptions are evaluated within the CIA approved compensation program for appropriate pay levels. If you are not familiar with your job description, please ask your supervisor or contact the Human Resources Office. The existence of a job description does not limit your duties to those specified in it and CIA reserves the right to reassign employees to other work.

2.7 Performance evaluation & compensation

Supervisors are encouraged to regularly provide feedback on employee job performance and goal achievement. In addition, formal performance evaluations are typically conducted at the close of each fiscal year (June 30) to provide the employee and supervisor an opportunity to discuss job performance, recognize strengths, identify areas for development, improvement, and discuss approaches for setting/meeting goals. 

This evaluation should include a review of the employee’s job description with their supervisor. If it is determined that changes should be made to accurately reflect the employee’s responsibilities, the supervisor will submit these to the VP of Human Resources + Inclusion. Timely submission of a performance evaluation with an overall performance rating of satisfactory or higher is required for staff to be eligible for any approved salary increase.

Compensation at the Cleveland Institute of Art is based on factors including but not limited to satisfactory job performance, economic factors (enrollment and funding), value of job within the College, value of job externally in the geographical areas in which we recruit, and other considerations. The goal of the College is to maintain a salary structure that is competitive with other institutions of higher education and the labor market from which we recruit. While not guaranteed, salary increases for cost of living and for merit, as well as periodic overall salary evaluation, are considered in this goal.

2.8 Outside activities & employment/conflict of interest

The purpose of this policy is to ensure that outside activities do not detract from employees’ and faculty members’ employment obligation to the College. Each employee is responsible for directing their primary effort to assigned responsibilities and duties related to their department, program, and the College. Outside activities, whether gainful or not, may not interfere with or infringe upon these responsibilities and duties. The use of College resources to support outside activities or employment is prohibited. For more information, refer to section 10 on the Use of College Equipment, Facilities & Resources

Employees may hold a job outside the College as long as they meet the performance standards of their job at CIA and as long as there is no conflict or appearance of a conflict of interest. Employees should consider the impact that outside employment may have on their ability to perform their job at the College. Job performance will be judged by the same standards and will be subject to the same scheduling demands as all other employees, regardless of any outside employment. If outside employment interferes with an employee’s ability to satisfactorily meet the performance expectations of the job, the employee may be asked to terminate that outside employment to remain employed at CIA. 

2.9 Job postings

CIA is committed to hiring the very best talent into its workforce and in so doing recruits from diverse sources. The College also believes in providing opportunities to current employees and faculty for advancement within the College. When a vacancy occurs, the College typically posts the available position on the CIA website. Any current employee or faculty member who is interested and meets the position qualifications is encouraged to respond by submitting a cover letter and resume prior to the deadline, as indicated in the posting. Qualified employees will be considered and granted interviews as appropriate. Candidates may also be sought from the outside. Employees and faculty are eligible for the posted position only if they have held their present position for at least one year. 

CIA reserves the right to promote or move employees into open positions without first internally posting the position or otherwise advertising, where this is determined to be appropriate.

2.10 Alternative work arrangements

In some circumstances, CIA staff may be considered for alternative work arrangements so long as such arrangement complies with the Fair Labor Standards Act and other applicable requirements. To see if you qualify, discuss your options with your supervisor and Human Resources. 

Alternative work arrangements are considered on a case-by-case basis and may result in the following:

Flexible Work Schedule (Flextime)
Staff choose to shift their everyday schedule by starting the day later or leaving earlier. The total of working hours doesn’t change. “Core hours” may be established during which a staff member is obliged to be present at the workplace.

Reduced hours when a staff member works for less than the standard working hours either by fewer hours per day or by fewer days per week. In such cases salary is calculated anew depending on the new schedule. *This arrangement may affect your benefit eligibility

Compressed Work Week
Staff work longer hours on a number of days per week so they can take time off on the remaining days. Total working hours and compensation remain the same.

Remote Work
Refers to a flexible work arrangement where staff is directed or permitted to work remotely from a designated alternative work location outside of the traditional on-site work environment. Only CIA staff who are specifically authorized pursuant to this policy can work remotely (“Remote”) and have a flexible work schedule (“Flexible Work”). The staff or department's ability to utilize Remote and Flexible Work shall not negatively impact CIA’s operational standards. CIA’s decision to authorize a Remote and Flexible Work arrangement is at all times discretionary and may be modified.

Remote Work may be utilized in a hybrid or blended model (e.g. staff may be scheduled to work at the alternative work location on certain days of the week and the normal work location on others). The  Flexible an Remote Work Agreement Form captures the details of the Remote and Flexible Work schedule and shall be updated when a schedule changes.

Situational Remote and Flexible Work
Situations may arise that call for use of Remote and Flexible Work that is not intended to last beyond a few days or weeks. Such situations must be approved through appropriate supervisory channels but depending on the length of time may not require a formal Remote and Flexible Work Agreement.

Infrequent remote access, defined as less than 20 days in a calendar year used to perform CIA business functions does not constitute formal Remote and Flexible Work.

Remote and Flexible Work may be authorized for specific staff or departments, so long as there is no negative impact to the overall operations. Prior to engaging in Remote and Flexible Work, eligible staff must be authorized by the highest-ranking member of management in their department (e.g. Director), their area Vice President, and Cleveland Institute of Art Human Resources, all three of which will sign off on the Remote and Flexible Work Agreement.

A. Request for Remote and Flexible Work. When a department supervisor or an  individual staff member requests authorization to perform Remote and Flexible Work, they should notify their department Supervisor or equivalent to discuss any related concerns. Cleveland Institute of Art Human Resources is available for consultation. If all parties agree with the request, the impacted staff or a member of management shall complete a Flexible an Remote Work Agreement Form.

B. Response. The approval is completed when the department Director, Vice President, and Human Resources have signed indicating their approval. The fully executed Remote and Flexible Work Agreement shall be included in the staff members personnel file.

C. Staff Eligibility. Remote and Flexible Work is not available for every staff member or for all positions. The following factors, though not an exhaustive list, may impact the determination on a Remote and Flexible Work Request:

  1. ORIENTATION PERIOD: Newly hired staff are not authorized for Remote and Flexible work. The orientation period is the first 90 days of the employment period or defined by the individual circumstance.
  2. JOB DUTIES: The staff member must be able to effectively perform all necessary operational functions and job duties.
  3. DEPENDENT CARE: Remote Work is not a substitute for dependent care. The Remote Worker must not be the permanent primary caregiver for any individual during the Remote Worker’s scheduled work hours. Alternative supervision or care outside of the Remote Work location must be established prior to the initiation of Remote Work. Cleveland Institute of Art may request documentation to ensure that the staff member is not using Remote Work as a substitute for dependent care. In limited and infrequent circumstances where a staff member is able to complete assigned duties while also caring for a dependent (e.g. a sick child must stay home from school), the staff member may still be permitted to Remote Work.
  4. ACTIVE DISCIPLINE: In the event a staff member has active discipline or is the subject of an administrative investigation, it may impact their ability to start or continue Remote and Flexible Work. Individual consideration will be given, and the decision may be revisited after a reasonable amount of time has passed.
  5. PERFORMANCE: Staff performance in the year prior to the Remote and Flexible Work authorization request must be satisfactory. If staff is on a performance improvement plan or has declining performance, they may be denied Remote and Flexible Work. Cleveland Institute of Art may consider staff’s most recent performance evaluation, history of poor information security practices (e.g. staff who repeatedly respond to phishing attempts), or active disciplinary record. For job functions that regularly access or input sensitive data or personally identifiable information, departments shall consider ways to minimize any information security risks before determining that Remote Work is an option.

Employment Information

  1. Compliance. Remote and Flexible Work does not affect staff’s basic terms and conditions of employment with Cleveland Institute of Art. Staff that are authorized to Remote and Flexible Work are still obligated to comply with all Cleveland Institute of Art rules, policies, practices, and instructions. Any violation of the above may result in removal from the Remote and Flexible Work arrangement and/or disciplinary action, up to and including termination pursuant to Cleveland Institute of Art work rules and/or applicable law.
  2. Pay and Benefits. Rate of pay and benefits are not affected by the Remote and Flexible Work arrangement.
  3. Work Hours and Vacation Usage. All work hours, overtime compensation, and paid time off must be recorded (if applicable) and comply with any applicable policy. Staff are still responsible for submitting their time worked and vacation requests according to established policies.
  4. Call Off Procedure. Staff authorized to Remote and Flexible Work must continue to comply with Cleveland Institute of Art call off policies and procedures while in a Remote and Flexible Work arrangement. Any request for leave while participating in a Remote and Flexible Work arrangement shall be made in accordance with Cleveland Institute of Art policy and procedure.
  5. Work location. Staff authorized to Remote and Flexible Work must perform his/her job duties at a designated alternate work location during their scheduled work hours for the duration of the Remote and Flexible Work arrangement. However, Cleveland Institute of Art shall maintain the right to require the staff member to change their schedule and/or work location, at any time. The supervisor will make a reasonable effort to provide notice in the event of a change.

Tax Implications (Remote Work)

  1. Remote and Flexible Work Agreement Controlling. Local payroll tax withholding will be based upon the approved Remote and Flexible Work Agreement. It is the staff members responsibility to accurately record their remote days on the agreement. If staff fails to maintain an accurate Remote and Flexible Work Agreement, it is their responsibility to work with local tax authorities for needed adjustments.
  2. Split Workdays. If any staff works part of a day remotely, but comes into the office for a meeting or some other reason, the entire day is considered worked at the location where the majority of the work took place. For instance, if more than half the day is worked remotely, then the entire day is considered remote. Staff shall be considered to have spent a day performing services in a municipal corporation only if they spent more time performing services for or on behalf of the employer in that municipal corporation than in any other municipal corporation on that day.

Alternate Work Location

  1. Establishing an Alternate Work Location. Staff who are authorized to Remote Work will work with their supervisor to identify the alternate work location and indicate the space where the work will be performed and where equipment will be used for purposes of conducting Cleveland Institute of Art business. The alternate work location should be reasonably quiet and free of distractions or any noises inconsistent with an office environment.
  2. Compliance with Building and Zoning Codes. Staff are responsible for ensuring that their alternate work location meets all applicable building and zoning codes and that no hazardous materials are present in the alternate work location. Any fines or fees that are incurred by the staff member while participating in Remote and Flexible Work are not the responsibility of Cleveland Institute of Art
  3. Location Expenses. Cleveland Institute of Art will not reimburse, or otherwise pay for, the cost(s) to use the Remote Work location itself. This includes mortgage payments, rents, utilities (including internet services), equipment (including printers) or any other cost to use the Remote Work location. This also includes any maintenance or repair costs to the Remote Work location.
  4. Damages. Cleveland Institute of Art will not reimburse, or otherwise pay for, any damage to personal or real property related to the staff members Remote Work assignment.

Computer Equipment and Supplies

  1. Approval and Issuance. Cleveland Institute of Art shall provide and/or approve the computer equipment and software that are necessary to conduct Institution business while at the alternate work location. Staff are generally responsible for ensuring the alternate work location has adequate workspace, including internet capabilities necessary to perform Institution business. All office furniture, including chairs, desks and other bulk items shall be the sole responsibility of the Remote Worker. The Remote Worker is liable for any damage to or loss of Institution-owned computer equipment provided under the Remote Work program due to some fault of the staff.
  2. It is the Remote Worker’s duty to immediately report to their supervisor any lost, stolen, damaged, or potentially compromised Institution-owned equipment and/or Institution data in their possession.
  3. Compliance. Staff authorized to Remote Work shall comply with all Cleveland Institute of Art information technology (IT) policies, standards and procedures regarding Institution owned computer equipment, software, licensing, connection, security, and overall management/support requirements.
  4. Usage. The use of computer equipment, software, data, and supplies, if provided by Cleveland Institute of Art, is limited to use by authorized persons and for purposes related to Institution business only.
  5. Security. Staff authorized to Remote Work will be responsible for the security of all items furnished to them by the Institution. The staff member shall be responsible for protecting all data accessed and extreme care shall be taken regarding sensitive data and/or personally identifiable information. All such data must be maintained in accordance with Cleveland Institute of Art Acceptable Use Policy.
  6. Office Supplies. General office supplies shall be provided by Cleveland Institute of Art. Expenses for supplies regularly available at the main office will not be reimbursed unless pre-purchase approval has been granted by the Remote Worker’s supervisor. Staff may not use CIA funds to purchase items available at the main office.
  7. Personal Equipment and Supplies. Staff authorized to Remote Work will be responsible for the cost of maintenance, repair, and operation of all personal equipment not provided by the Institution.

2.11 Work schedules

The College’s regular work week is generally defined as Monday through Friday, with office hours scheduled between 8am–5pm except for those offices with service hours at other designated times. Employees will be notified by their supervisor of their regular scheduled hours of work. With reasonable advance notice, supervisors reserve the right to adjust work schedules and shift assignments to meet the College’s operational needs. 

2.12 Employment of relatives

We are sensitive to the potential for favoritism (or appearance of favoritism) and other problems created by the hiring, promotion, or transfer of relatives. With this in mind, no employee in a management or supervisory position may have an immediate family member working in the same area or have direct supervisory responsibilities for that individual. Immediate family, for the purposes of this policy, is defined as spouse, domestic partner, parent, child, sister, brother. If two employees or faculty marry or become qualified domestic partners, creating a conflict with this policy, one of the employees or faculty may be asked to transfer to another position within the College (at the Chief Academic Officer’s discretion) or resign.

Lisa Schumann
Associate Director of Human Resources
216.421.7405 | Contact

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Charise Reid
Vice President of Human Resources + Inclusion
216.421.7312 | Contact

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Kristen Mathis
Human Resources Specialist
216.421.7484 | Contact