Academic Services
If you have questions about what courses you should be enrolled in, how to apply for a major or how to withdraw from a class, Academic Advisors are on staff to help you all year long. We can also help you learn more about studying abroad, mobility, degree requirements and link you to the resources you need to be successful.

Dr. Elisaida Mendez, Director of Academic Services
Room 120, Student Affairs Office

Financial Aid
Our financial aid counselors are committed to helping you find ways to close the gap between the cost of attending the Institute and your ability to fund your CIA education. If you have any questions, please contact our Financial Aid Office.

Financial Aid Direct Line 
Room 122, Financial Aid and Admissions Suite

Disability Services
Do you have a documented learning disability like dyslexia, dysgraphia or Asperger’s syndrome? Do you suffer from depression or anxiety or have a physical disability that requires accommodation? These are just a few examples of what we provide resources and accommodations for through the Disability Services Office.

Room 120, Student Affairs Office

Do you have questions about your ID card? Where to send transcripts? Do you need to have your enrollment at CIA verified? Do you have questions about transfer credits? Contact our Registrar.

Jen Ahern, Registrar
Room 120, Student Affairs Office

Student Accounts
The Student Accounts Office is where you go to pay any bills or outstanding fees. Any questions about your billing statement and making payments should be directed to the Office of Student Accounts.

Student Accounts Administrator
Room 114

Student Life and Housing
Do you have questions about living on campus or how to get involved in student activities? Do you need more information about how CASE Cash works? Contact our Student Life and Housing Office.

Dr. Matt Smith, Assistant Dean of Students
Room 120, Student Affairs Office

Andrea Specht,  Associate Director of Student Life and Campus Engagement
Room 120, Student Affairs Office

University Counseling Center 
Are you feeling depressed? Having a hard time staying motivated?  Relationship troubles?  Fearful of harming yourself or others? Call the University Counseling Center.
Phone: 216-368-5872 – Counselor on call 24/7
Location: 220 Sears Library Building (located on the south side of the CWRU quad off Adelbert/Euclid)

University Health Service
Fever/cough/sore throats /Sprains/cuts/injuries /Allergies /Urinary tract infections/STI/ Headaches/ Cholesterol control/Weight-related problems /Sleep difficulties?  This is just a sampling of what you can be treated for at our University Health Services.
Location:2145 Adelbert Road (located on the corner of Adelbert and Circle Road, across from One to One Fitness)
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender (LGBT) Center
The LGBT Center’s mission is to provide support and advocacy to LGBT individuals within CWRU/CIA and provides a haven to those who are seeking solidarity and community.
Phone: 216-368-LGBT
Location: Tinkham Veale University Center at 11038 Bellflower Road
Flora Stone Mather Center for Women
The Flora Stone Mather Center is a community space and a social innovator empowering women and advancing gender equity through research-informed action.
Phone: 216-368-0985
Location: Tinkham Veale University Center at 11038 Bellflower Road