This center was established in 2022 to support excellence in teaching and learning at CIA. In our inaugural year, we worked to create a webpage that provides resources across various topics, from course design to equity-centered pedagogy. As we continually work to build a site that is useful and informative, we welcome any feedback, questions, or suggestions of excellent resources. Please use our suggestion box or email the center's director:
We currently have six pages in addition to this home page. Some pages are only accessible for CIA faculty and staff.
1. Resources on Teaching and Learning - offers various resources (e.g., videos, books, articles, podcasts) arranged by topic.
2. Workshops, Opportunities, and Events - listing of current offerings with descriptions and registration links.
3. Educational Technology - resources, information, and opportunities related to educational technology, focused on our Interactive Media Lab (IML) and generative AI.
4. Using Canvas - provides information and resources for Canvas, our learning management system (LMS).
5. 2024 Theme: Let us ask restless and generative questions - describes the theme, purpose, and avenues for engagement.
6. Supporting Neurodivergence at CIA - provides information on the ways CIA is working to be more neuro-inclusive and resources to support this work.
Please use this link to book time for a consultation. You can also use this to book my time for finding specific resources, reviewing materials, or addressing a specific question. For more complex requests, such as a classroom observation or a departmental workshop, please email me at If you have any suggestions or ideas, you can submit those to the suggestion box found on this page (forthcoming).
This report outlines results of a faculty survey done at the end of the inaugural year of the Nord Center.
In August, I met with Lauren Ryan and Cassidy Wagner from Career Services to discuss learning outcomes in the context of career readiness. In this post, I describe some outcomes in common with classroom learning goals and share insights about how faculty ...