From AI to A+: Prepare your students for using ChatGPT and other AI (Article)
This article offers suggestions to help prepare your students for the ethical use of AI. It includes several tools and tips that will help instructors understand how they could incorporate AI in their classes and set boundaries that support learning and critical thinking.
AI in Education Resource Directory
This community document offers several types of resources, including opportunities to join group discussions around the use of AI, lists of AI tools, readings and videos, instructor resources, examples of AI policies, and faculty development websites on AI.
AI Prompts for Teaching
AI prompts explain what type of response you are looking for from an AI tool. More specific prompts can result in greater accuracy and complexity of AI results. This document outlines prompts to support various aspects of teaching, including course design, goal setting, and examples to use in the classroom.
AI in Higher Education Video Series
This video series from Alchemy includes recordings of webinars on topics such as policy considerations for AI, using AI as a course design companion, and transforming assignments and assessments with AI.