Dear CIA Community,
I hope everyone had a good summer and is ready for a constructive and creative new school year. We had a productive summer in Information Technology and would like to share with you some of changes, upgrades, reminders and updates that you can expect to see now and through the upcoming year.
Student Email and Calendar Transition from Google to Microsoft
Beginning June 1, 2024, student email and calendars will migrate from Google to Microsoft 365. CIA faculty and staff have been using Microsoft 365 for years, and having students on the same system will allow more streamlined communication for everyone within the organization. Students will continue to use Google email and calendar for this academic year. Students, faculty, and staff will continue to have access to Google Drive and Google Apps after June 1, 2024. Information Technology will communicate with students early and often about logistics related to the transition. In the meantime, we’ve created a Microsoft 365 migration info page, which should provide more details and answers to frequently asked questions.
408 Bring-Your-Own-Laptop Classroom Lab
Room 408 has been converted into a bring-your-own laptop classroom lab where students can connect their laptops to 30 state-of-the-art Wacom Cintiq tablets.
Acceptable Use Policy and Backups
Creating backups of your important files is a key aspect in artistic, academic and administrative workflows. Per Cleveland Institute of Art’s Acceptable Use Policy, one’s personal responsibilities include making “frequent and appropriate backups of their own work to guarantee protection against loss”.
To facilitate backups, CIA provides several different options for faculty, students and staff to make backups. You can download a printable version of a document that covers backup options by visiting the Handouts section of the myCIA Technology page. In addition to simply using backup tools, users may also schedule a consultation with Help Desk staff to implement a backup strategy using these tools. To arrange a consultation, please visit to create a support ticket.
Phish Alert Button and KnowBe4
A “Phish Alert Button” (PAB) is available in employees’ Outlook clients and in web-based email clients. The PAB will allow you to report a suspected phishing email with a click of a button without needing to forward the questionable email to IT staff. Students using Gmail can simply forward suspicious emails to to report.
As a reminder, we will continue to train employees by regularly sending out simulated phishing tests. In addition, IT will be sending a cybersecurity assessment (SAPA) to employees in September.
Remember these three rules to stay safe online:
Rule Number One: Stop, look, and think before you click!
Rule Number Two: Do you spot a red flag or something phishy about the email? Verify the suspicious email with the sender through the phone.
Rule Number Three: "When in doubt, throw it out." Delete emails that look suspicious or notify IT by using the PAB to report the message in question.
If an employee clicks on a simulated phishing test, they will automatically be enrolled in some refresher training from KnowBe4. The message they will receive from KnowBe4 inviting them to the training will be in a similar format to the message below. It is ok for you click on the links in these KnowBe4 emails.
From: KnowBe4
Subject: You’ve been enrolled in training
Adobe Syncing Changes
Adobe will be discontinuing Creative Cloud Synced files on February 1, 2024.
How this may impact you:
- Files saved to Creative Cloud Files folder on your computer will no longer automatically sync with
- Files that are uploaded directly to or the Creative Cloud Mobile App will not be automatically copied to your computer.
Recommended actions:
- If you do not save assets to the Creative Cloud Synced files, no action is needed.
- Ensure your assets are properly backed up locally or to third-party cloud storage.
Canvas Drop-In Sessions
IT is holding some open remote office hours for faculty needing technical assistance with Canvas LMS. Please use this Zoom link to join the drop-in session. Drop-in hours are as follows:
- Aug 22, 2023 09:30 AM - 11:00 AM
- Aug 23, 2023 02:00 PM - 03:30 PM
- Aug 24, 2023 09:30 AM - 11:00 AM
As always, please create a support ticket at if you require an individual appointment.
Equipment Checkout Policy Change
Equipment Checkout is making a change in lending policy starting this semester: all equipment is now available for up to 48 hours per loan period, up from 24 hours. Users now also can make renewals on their own through the self-serve patron-portal for up to three additional days.
Reminders: Equipment Checkout is available and free for ALL students, faculty, and staff. Students should be encouraged to take advantage of the service. In addition to items available for general circulation, we also can hold and loan out items for specific classes or majors. If instructors/departments have course specific equipment that they want to make available to only those students, we can create custom circulation rules for those classes.
Keeper Password Manager
Employees that handle sensitive data should be using LastPass as a password manager. Due to security and password-sharing needs, CIA is moving from LastPass to Keeper. IT will be connecting with departments between now and September 15 to migrate from LastPass to Keeper.
Software Request Policy and Online Services Catalog
For faculty and staff needing to request software or access to an online service, please refer the Online Services/Software Request Policy and Procedures. Also please refer to the Online Services Catalog (login required) to get a comprehensive list of currently supported services.
Cell Phone Device Passcode Enforcement
In another effort to improve data security, IT will be enforcing a policy which requires employees to have a passcode enabled on their personal mobile devices in order to have CIA email working on their device. This policy will be enforced starting in September.
Contact Us and Service Desk Hours
In closing, the technology staff is here to help. If you need any assistance, please visit to submit a support ticket. You can also visit our offices and service desks. The hours are listed below:
Administrative Offices (413): Open 8:30am-4:30pm Monday-Friday
Digital Output Center (115): Open 9am-5pm Monday-Friday (through 9/4), Open 9am-9pm Monday-Friday, 2pm-5pm Saturday (starting 9/5)
Equipment Checkout /Media Services (325): Open 8am-10:30pm Monday-Thursday, 8am-7pm Friday, 10am-2pm Saturday
Help Desk (116): Open 8:30am-4:30pm Monday-Friday
We are looking forward to a great 2023-2024 school year!
Matthew McKenna he/him
Associate Vice President of Information Systems + Technology